Monday, May 9, 2011

Don't Burn Up Profits - Energy Efficient HVAC

Don't Burn Up ProfitsAs cold as it gets outside, you’ll heat up the productivity indoors. Furnace/HVAC has the most comprehensive, feature-loaded lineup in the heating industry. Our super-efficient technology provides savings on both gas and electricity. Whatever HVAC heating option you choose, you can depend energy-saving, cost-effective, reliable performance for years to come.

What do Good Furnaces Have in Common?
The best furnaces are efficient. They keep a business warm and comfortable. They provide steady, reliable performance year after year. And they are quiet, long-lasting and low in service frequency and cost.

Which Furnaces are Energy Efficient?
When a furnace loses or wastes heat, it requires more energy to keep your business warm. Some furnaces lose heat through the walls of the furnace cabinet. Energy-efficient furnaces like HVAC full line of state-of-the-art models significantly reduce this loss with a blanket of insulation that lines the inside of the cabinet walls.

When a gas furnace is not in operation, most send a steady, wasteful draft of warm household air traveling up the venting system and out the roof. The HVAC Line – with AFUE ratings of 78% and better – features an induced-draft blower that works in conjunction with a hot surface ignition system to pull hot gases through the heat exchanger at a constant and controlled rate of flow. As the burner cycles off, the draft blower stops, keeping the heating air in the system.

Pilot lights also can be wasteful. The electric ignition in many of HVAC furnaces eliminates the need for a constantly burning pilot. This feature alone gives up to 6% higher efficiency. And in combination with an induced-draft blower, can improve furnace efficiencies by over 20%.

Most gas furnaces vent combustion by-products and gases by allowing the warm air to rise naturally. However, on occasion, proper venting of combustion by-products may be restricted due to blockage, deterioration of venting systems, malfunctions or other causes.

The HVAC induced-draft blower maintains a constant draft through the heat exchanger, which assures proper venting of the furnace combustion chamber. Ruud also features a pressure switch which continuously monitors venting; and in the event it senses a vent flow restriction, it will automatically shut down your heating system for your safety.

The most efficient furnaces tap the energy of the hot vent gases – which can reach temperatures of 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and more. The HVAC gas furnace does this by routing the hot gases through a secondary heat exchanger. This step captures the otherwise wasted heat—using it to preheat the household air—and delivers AFUE ratings up to 94.5%

A high-efficiency furnace generally wears a higher price tag, but it can make up the difference by reducing operating costs over the long run. And with today’s consumer interest in efficiency, such equipment enhances the bottom line of your business.

Are some furnaces better than others?
Definitely. Features to look for include heat exchangers that resist corrosion, direct-drive blower units, induced draft blowers, pressure switches, and an insulated blower compartment, which helps minimize operating noise.

You also should ask your dealer if the manufacturer of the brand you’re considering quality-checks and tests every unit before it leaves the plant.

And be sure to check out the terms of the Limited Warranty. Quality manufacturers put a convincing warranty behind their work. HVAC furnaces, which include all the features described here, offer one of the very best. Even the primary and secondary heat exchangers in the HVAC are protected by a Limited Lifetime Heat Exchanger Warranty.

What should I look for in a dealer?
Reliability. Look for a dealer you see in your community. You want one who’s close by to provide you faster, more convenient service.

He should offer a recognized name brand. And he should have a well-stocked inventory of replacement parts. You wouldn’t want to sit out a mid-summer heat wave waiting for a simple repair!

One way to be sure you’ll get good service is to contact a neighborhood Ruud dealer.

Your local dealer is knowledgeable, reliable, and as good as any you’ll find in the business. Give him a call or click here to find a dealer near you.

Get a variable speed furnace and compressor with a 16 seer rating or better and get a tax credit and rebate.
Frequently Asked Questions about HVAC
What do rating numbers mean?The U.S. government requires an efficiency rating of all air conditioning and heating equipment. The rating reflects the percentage of energy used efficiently, with a high rating indicating high-efficiency.
What is a SEER? There are special names for the efficiency rating of various types of equipment. Air conditioning equipment is rated by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating or SEER. The higher the SEER rating is, the more efficient the unit will be.
How can I be sure my unit is the right size? Clearly, an air conditioning unit that is too small will not keep your home sufficiently cool. What many don't realize is that an oversized system will cycle (turn off and on) more than necessary, wasting expensive energy and possibly putting undue strain on the compressor. Comfort Engineers can determine the most favorable size for your home and/or business.
What does AFUE stand for? There are special names for the efficiency ratings of various types of equipment. Gas furnaces are rated according to their Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency or AFUE. The higher the AFUE rating is, the more efficient the unit will be.
Can shrubs or flowers be planted around an outdoor unit? Yes. However, we recommend that plants be no closer than 19 inches to the unit. This allows for plenty of room for air circulation in and out of the unit. Without this room for air circulation, the unit could overheat resulting in a premature need for service.
What is the difference between a split system and a package unit? A split system uses indoor and outdoor components to provide a complete home comfort system (see illustration to the right). A package unit or self-contained unit requires no external coils, air handlers or heating units.
How often should I clean my furnace or heat pump filter? Comfort Engineers recommends monthly changing or cleaning of the filter in any heating and cooling system. This applies to electronic air cleaners too. Insufficient filter changes usually result in poor system performance, poor comfort, higher bills, more frequent repairs and premature system failure.
Certain rooms in my house never get comfortable. How can I fix that? If some of your rooms are comfortable and others are not, what you have is a ductwork problem. In many cases, ductwork can be easily modified to accommodate dampers, deflectors and other means of balancing uneven air flow.
What is the best temperature settings for my thermostat? At the lowest (winter) or highest (summer) temperature at which your family is truly comfortable. There is no magic number. The highest purpose of a home comfort system is comfort. If you heat with a heat pump not equipped with a "smart" thermostat, or a programmable thermostat, you should find a comfortable temperature setting and leave it there. With any system, it is easiest to balance comfort and economy with the help of a programmable thermostat.
What is NATE? North American Technician Excellence, Inc. (NATE) is the leading certification program for technicians in the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) industry and is the only test supported by the entire industry. NATE represents professionalism, proficiency, and pride - qualities which lead to trust. When you need HVAC help, call a contractor who employs NATE-certified technicians. They are among the very best.

Tips to Lower Heating/Air Conditioning Bills

Perform an energy audit. Many utility companies offer a free home energy audit to customers and it's well worth taking advantage of this free service.
Install Ceiling Fans. Keep the air circulating in your home and your air conditioner won't have to work as hard.
Install an Attic Fan. It will pull cool air into your home and help remove hot air trapped in attics.
Schedule Yearly HVAC Maintenance. Increase the efficiency of your HVAC system by having it inspected and cleaned at least once a year.
Change Your Filters Regularly. Keep your HVAC system running at peak efficiency by changing the filter every thirty days.
Upgrade to Energy Star Appliances. If your appliances are 10 years or older, consider replacing them with new, Energy Star models, which use considerably less energy.
Get a Programmable Thermostat. Then, set it to run less when you're at work or sleeping. A few degrees can shed 5-10% from your heating bill.
Pile on the Blankets. An extra blanket on your bed in the winter months is often all it takes to push back the thermostat another couple of degrees.
Install a Tankless Hot Water Heater. The next time you need to replace your hot water heater, consider going with a tankless heater (also known as an on-demand hot water heater). They can cut your hot water energy cost by half.
Close the Fireplace Damper. Ensure the damper is closed when not is use. Hot air rises and is sucked out the chimney.
Ensure Returns are Free of Obstruction. Heating systems which are "forced-air" send hot air through the house via vents on the floor and draw back air through returns. Make sure all vents and returns are not obstructed and air can flow smoothly.
Take Advantage of the Sun for Heating: On sunny days, open blinds and drapes to allow sunlight to heat your home.
For Heating, Tap Heat that's There. When showering, keep bathroom doors open to allow steam and heat to circulate. Open the oven door after baking. Try to avoid using ventilation fans which remove warm air to the outside.
Check and Replace Weather stripping on Doors and Windows. Air leaks around faulty weather stripping not only make your home drafty, but they increase the costs of heating and cooling your home.

HVAC Jargon

Home heating and cooling systems are much easier to operate than ever before. They work better and need fewer repairs. The innovations that bring more comfort and convenience make system operations more complicated. For the average consumer, HVAC systems can be a challenge to understand. When replacing an old HVAC system, or shopping for a new one, it makes sense to inform yourself about industry jargon.
Annualized Fuel Utilization Efficiency: Commonly referred to as AFUE, it is a measure of heating efficiency. More efficient furnaces have a higher AFUE.
Air Handler: It is usually a furnace or blower coil and is responsible for moving heated or cooled air through ductwork.
British Thermal Unit: A BTU is a unit of energy. Look for high BTUs on HVAC systems that have a greater heating capacity.
Central Air Conditioner: Air is handled and distributed from a central location to rooms throughout a home or building.
Compressor: This device is located on your outdoor air-conditioning unit. Its function is to compress and pump cooling refrigerant.
Ductwork: Air is distributed from the furnace or blower coil via ductwork throughout your home.
ENERGY STAR: A trademarked label for HVAC products that meet strict guidelines by the Environmental Protection Agency for efficiency and performance.
Heat Exchanger: It transfers heat to air that is distributed throughout the home.
Humidifier: This device sends moisture into heated air as it leaves the furnace.
Humidistat: Maintains humidity levels at adjusted levels.
MERV Rating: A rating for air filters. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. Filters with smaller holes have higher MERV values and better efficiency.

Helpful Websites

DIY Zoning Project: Much to learn about design and construction of HVAC systems.
LifeTips: HVAC tips and explanations about equipment.
HVAC Talk: Message board discussing all aspects of HVAC.
Wikipedia: HVAC entry
Energy Star: The EPA's web site discussing Energy Star initiatives, products and news.
ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers with a great Education section.

HVAC is an acronym for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. What this actually is depends to a large degree on where it is. There are some general principles that are true in most installations though. At the core of the concept is the moving of air throughout a larger structure. In most installations this is done through a combination of a number of air ducts. The size and location of the ducts vary from project to project. In fact, in some buildings the placement of these ducts may vary from room to room.

Basic Components In HVAC

There are a number of components necessary for an effective HVAC system though. Among those are vents. There are typically two types of vents in an HVAC system. The first is an intake vent. The second is an output vent. These are essential since the air is circulated. In some installations it may be possible to have single vents that provide both functions.
The third essential for an effective system is the unit that actually moves the air. While motion is essential for the ventilation at the core of the system there are two other capacities that are included as the words Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning imply. Heat and Air Conditioning, or cooling, are generally included in a complete HVAC system. As a result it is not uncommon to find modern units that provide both of these capacities. Some homes may have a separate cooling unit and furnace though. Despite that, it is rather uncommon to discover a system that has a unit only for air circulation. This is generally always provided by the heat or cooling unit.

The Need For Filtration

While those are the necessities for controlling the temperature and ventilating and circulating the air in a home, there is another important factor when considering an HVAC system. That is the need for filtration. Though pulling air from outside may provide somewhat fresh air, removing particulates that are inside the structure is important as well. To that end there are a number of different options that are generally standard in an effective HVAC system.
The first option is that any new air (air from outside the structure) is filtered prior to introducing it. The second option is to ensure that at least once in each cycle the air inside the structure passes through a filter. This is commonly accomplished by placing a filter at each of the intake vents. This works to ensure that all air is filtered. In some instances there may be additional measures taken as well. These may include the placement of additional filters at output filters or specialized filters in the air circulation or temperature regulation units. By using various combinations the existing conditions can be compensated for to ensure consistent quality throughout the structure that the HVAC system provides service to.
A common adaptation of this system is combination of multiple independent systems connected via ducts to provide effective service to a larger area. The air heating and cooling ventilation units may work in tandem at times or independently for the most part. In most instances though the air duct system is connected within a structure though, this helps to reduce the likelihood of stagnant spots of air.
There are some special exceptions though. It is important to consider the intended use of the space prior to designing or installing an HVAC system. More common examples of this are instances when an area requires special ventilation. In instances when the gases in an area are harmful there may be the need for the area to have a separate ventilation system.

What Is HVAC?

HVAC, They are commonly involved with the processes such as heating, ventilating and in air conditioning. If you need any of these processes to be done, an HVAC installer is what you need. There are a lot of companies offering these services, online or in your locality. HVAC has become very important in terms of designing medium to large industries and office buildings that most of the famous landmarks in the whole world were made. This gives no less than healthy and safe conditions in building that are well modulated with factors such as temperature and humidity together with fresh air coming from the outdoors.
The derivation of the components of the HVAC systems went together with the revolution of the industries as well as the methods that were used for modernization, system control and of course for higher efficiency. The three critical factors of HVAC are associated with each other and they aim of summing up reasonable installation, pressure maintenance in between spaces, and reduction of air infiltration.

How to Look and Choose for Good HVAC Installer:

To be able to get satisfying services, it is always better not to opt for a single provider, rather exploring the different areas in the market where a large number of HVAC installer can be found is ideal. Although shopping for these services are time consuming and tedious, all of your efforts will give you the benefit of knowing potential candidates that may offer you the services you need.
There are some things that need to be considered beforehand when it comes to choosing an installer. The price is the largest factor and should not be overlooked. Give effort in speaking about your budget to the service provider. As a beginner in this line of business, your budget can be limited.  If they cannot do the work within what you can afford to pay, then you may look again for installers. If ever you cannot meet an installer that is willing to work within your budget range, the best thing you can do let each of them come to the property through which the installation will take place and let them give you the initial price quote.
Then ask for the references of each person and contact them. Customers that had once availed for their services will give you correct information about the HVAC installer. Be prepared to read good and bad information from them. This is beneficial to you however because this will make you learn about how they will be like if you work with them. Whenever you hear something against the company let it go and move on to the next company.
After getting a few company names that pass your qualifications, discuss with them the detail of your project. You should be able to get a quote that is more accurate than the first time you asked. And you should be able to determine the time it will take for the project to be done. If ever the company cannot give you the answers straightly, then it is an indication that they are not trustworthy.

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