Monday, June 27, 2011

No cost tips for saving energy and money

No cost tips for saving energy and money

• Turn off the lights in unattended rooms.
• Set home thermostat at 78 degrees in the summer (or at the warmest comfortable temperature) and 68 degrees during the heating season.
• When leaving for more than four hours or before going to bed at night, raise the thermostat 5 to 10 degrees in the summer and lower it 4 to 8 degrees during the heating season.
• Close curtains in east, south and west-facing windows during the day to keep out solar heat in the summer. (Utilize awning, trees)
• Heat/cool only the rooms in use. Close vents and doors in unused rooms.
• Clean refrigerator coils twice a year.
• Check and clean air conditioning filters monthly and replace as needed. (ERV)
• Unplug electric chargers, televisions and audio/visual equipment when not in use.
• Turn off your computer or put it in sleep mode when not in use.
• Run energy intensive appliances, such as dish and clothes washers, at night so that the heat produced by these devices will not need to be offset by your air conditioner during the day.
• Wait until you have a full load to run the dish or clothes washer. Wash clothes in cold water when possible.
• Keep lamps and televisions away from the thermostat. The heat they generate will cause the air conditioning system to work harder.
• Unplug old, energy inefficient refrigerators if they are not being used. Old refrigerators can use three times the electricity of modern, efficient ones.
Low-cost tips for saving energy and money
• Install weather stripping on all doors and windows.
• Replace incandescent light bulbs with ENERGY STAR® qualified compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), which use 66 percent less energy and last up to 10 times longer. Replacing a typical standard bulb with an equivalent CFL could save, on average, $30 over the life of the CFL bulb. (LED bulbs save more)
• Install electric timers on lighting, small appliances and air conditioners.
• Add dimmer switches or motion and occupancy sensors on incandescent lighting. Install photocell for outside lighting and Solar lights.
• Install at least 10 inches of attic insulation, or enough to provide an insulating value of at least R-49. Install attic fan. Insulate the Ducts and pipes.
* When replacing HVAC system – Install Multi-Stage Furnace and compressor and ERV – Energy Recovery Ventilation, Humidifier and Dehumidifier.
• Install low-flow showerheads and sink aerators to reduce hot water use. When replacing water heater utilize tankless water heating system.
• When buying new appliances, lights, electronics and other products, look for the ENERGY STAR® label.
Avoid incandescent bulbs for outside lighting.
Sodium, mercury, halogen and fluorescent fixtures use 33%-80% less energy than comparable incandescent bulbs, and are completely weatherproof.
Avoid installing huge windows.
If you're building a new home, remodeling or adding a new room, consider reducing the size of the windows to reduce heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter. For maximum energy efficiency, your design should also shield windows facing west and south with overhanging eaves or awnings.
Be smart using window air conditioners.
Window units are individually controlled. Set the unit at a higher temperature – or turn it off – if the room is unoccupied for any length of time. And, avoid opening and closing the door.
Caulk all cracks and gaps.
No matter how old your home is, there are probably gaps where different building materials meet or where pipes and wires enter. Check for gaps inside and out and fill them with caulk or foam sealant.
Check EnergyGuide® appliance labels.
You'll find efficiency ratings and estimates of annual operating costs on this yellow and black label. By comparing ratings, you may discover that a more expensive model with a lower annual operating cost may be the most economical choice over time.
Check for leaks on refrigerator and freezer doors.
Check the door seal of your refrigerator and freezer by placing a dollar bill between the gasket and cabinet. With the door closed, pull the dollar bill straight out – there should be at least a slight drag. Test all around the door, including the hinge side. have the gaskets replaced if necessary.
Check your fireplace.
Add doors to your fireplace to reduce the loss of heated air while the fire in burning. And be sure the damper is tightly shut when the fireplace is not in use.
Choose the right size air conditioner.
Bigger is not better – a smaller unit can often adequately cool a space for which a larger one was recommended. In addition, a smaller model saves energy and costs less to buy. And, when choosing an air conditioner, look for an energy efficiency ratio (EER) of at least 10.
Choose the right size appliances.
Choose the size of your refrigerator or freezer according to your family's needs. A frost-free model eliminates the periodic job of defrosting, but it does have a higher operating.
Control the flow of air.
In a forced air system, install plastic deflectors to direct the flow of heated air towards the cool air near the floor. Reverse the deflector for central air conditioning so cool air is directed toward warmer air near the ceiling.
If your home is heated by steam, place a deflector between the radiator and the wall to maximize the amount of heat entering the room.
Don't block heating and air conditioning registers — and keep drapes, shades and furniture clear of window air conditioning units.
Cook with the broiler.
You'll save energy because broiling requires no preheating.
Cover window air conditioners in the winter.
Use an outside cover to protect air conditioners and eliminate drafts coming through the vents. If you're unable to cover the units from the outside, cover them inside with plastic.
Damp dry clothes for easier ironing.
Damp drying saves energy, and makes ironing easier. If your dryer doesn't have a "damp dry" setting, shorten the drying time.
Don't allow frost buildup.
Defrost your freezer or freezing compartment when front is about 1/4" thick. Frost buildup decreases efficiency.
Don't overload your clothes dryer.
Overloading a dryer makes it work harder, takes clothes longer to dry and causes wrinkles.

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