Monday, June 27, 2011

Telecommunications Audit

Telecommunications Audit
·      80% of all local, long distance, data and cellular bills contain errors – we will find them and get you the refunds you deserve.
·      Most telecom users are never offered the best rates they qualify for; we use the phone companies own tariffs to get you on the lowest cost plan.
·      We will give you a complete inventory of lines, circuits and features.
·      No recovery = No Fee. If we can't help you, we don’t get paid. We only share in a percentage of what we recover for you.
·      Let us show you how to reduce your Cellular expense by up to 50%.
·      At worst, you will receive a no cost, independent 3rd party verification that all contracts, processes, etc. are up to date.
·      Many satisfied clients; references available.
Call today for a Free, No obligation consultation 818–270–6319 or

Telecommunications consistently ranks among the top several expense line items, and telecommunications bills consistently are rated as being among the most difficult to understand. It comes as no surprise that over 80% of these bills would then contain billing errors. It is our mission to find and correct these billing errors and secure refunds for our clients.
Energy Savers has been assisting our clients for years by bringing our understanding of their vendors, their bills and the services they use. We are vendor neutral, so it does not matter to us which carriers you choose to do business with. We never create savings for you simply by suggesting a change of Carrier… someone can always offer service for less. We will simply insure that the vendors you choose to use are offering you their best pricing for clients your size.

Consider that most Telecommunications Companies today are not the product of organic growth, but rather the end result of a seemingly endless stream of mergers and acquisitions. Each of these Companies has multiple billing systems and trying to make them “talk to each other” after a merger is not an easy or efficient task. Couple this with the number of layoffs and re-organizations that have taken place over the last few years and you have an underdeveloped brain-trust left behind to try and make sense of these disparate billing systems. The minimum wage workers who comprise the majority of the order entry staff, coupled with off-shoring for post-sale customer service adds and changes, further increase the chances that errors are inevitable, and that the identification and correction of these errors is at best, a time consuming and frustrating experience.

It is also a sad, but true, reality of today’s business climate, but vendor loyalty can be very costly. There are many factors that come into play when a vendor decides what price points to offer a client whose contract is renewing… one of the most important is what the competitive climate is. Simply, if there is little or no competition, the pricing offered is much higher than if a comprehensive RFP has been launched. We level the playing field for our clients by bringing the knowledge of what terms, conditions and pricing they are offering their other similar-sized clients

Our unique programs and processes are non-intrusive and have been streamlined so that the majority of the work can be completed at our offices. For bill error detection and recovery, there are
no up-front fees or charges: our performance-based compensation is contingent upon results and calculated on a share of any overpayments recovered for you.

All of our recommendations come without obligation and you will never be charged for our services until you see, and agree to the savings we promise. We have MANY clients who will provide reference to the work we have done for them, and the resulting improvement in their bottom line as a result of our efforts.

Contact us at


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