Sunday, July 10, 2011


ENERGY SAVERS (ES) performs a wide range of professional services - all aimed at optimizing the energy savings and performance of existing facilities. We can operate nationwide.
Simply put, our goal is to create the best possible energy solution for any size Company and or project - whether single intra-building location or large multi-facility complex. And, to do so at the lowest cost to our client.
Audit Services focuses on the following services:
  1. Local Phone
  2. Long Distance
  3. Cellular
  4. Data
  5. Internet
  6. Gas
  7. Electric
  8. Water and Sewer
  9. Solid Waste and Recycling

Telecom audit etc

Voice and data telecom services now rank as a top 3 expense in many companies.

At many growing companies, telecom bills conceal more secrets than a Alfred Hitchcock story: hidden costs, mystery charges, ancient errors, etc.

Auditing the phones

By enlisting the services of a Energy Savers auditor, you can have your phone bill figured out - and maybe even get the telephone company to pay you for a change. That's right, there's gold in those telephone statements, and auditors can help you find it!

According to Braintrust, a newsletter for small-business owners published by the national accounting firm Laventhol & Horwath, mistakes are found on more than 50 percent of the phone bills that are audited. And it isn't small change either: one New York college found over $400,000 worth of mistakes on their phone bills. The best part about it - refunds are sent directly to you.

ENERGY SAVERS Telephone auditors work strictly on a contingent fee basis, which means they get paid only if they can obtain a refund for you. That provides them with added incentive to really tear apart your phone statements looking for errors buried in the mass of charges. They will audit statements as far back as six years, looking for errors such as: charges for equipment that is no longer in use, incorrect billing rates, unnecessary services, and excess wire charges... to name just a new examples.

Here are a few clues for ferreting out costly expenses:
  Know your statements. Understand every charge, and watch for changes from month to month. See something new? Ask the provider to explain it.
  Take inventory. Once or twice a year, count every line, every service, and every phone. Update the numbers as you grow or downsize; make sure your bills reflect those changes.
  Shut off unused lines. Then check future statements to make sure you're no longer paying for them.
  Close out ex-employees' accountants. Make sure you're not paying for dormant voice-mail boxes, cell phones, or pagers that, even when unused, continue racking up monthly service fees. Cancel old calling cards.
  Scrutinize cellular costs. Shelling out a bundle every month for roaming or off-peak charges? Consider a flat-rate plan; it's usually cheaper and more convenient.
  Watch for redundancy. Perhaps you're getting similar services from two providers. Or maybe you're paying one provider twice for the same service. Cancel duplicate offerings; seek refunds for overpayment -- and check your bills to make sure you get them.
  Cut pay services. Block calls to 900 numbers; discourage employees from calling collect; encourage them to find numbers online rather than dialing directory assistance. Use prepaid phone cards rather than calling cards, which may charge premium rates.
  Be on guard. If you see something strange -- odd calling patterns, exorbitant charges -- check with your provider: a telecom bandit may be hacking into your systems.
  Have an audit performed. Most telecom audits are preformed on a contingency fee basis. Having an expert review your bills can reduce your expense and maybe even get you money back

Now, what's in it for you?
Professional, expert review of account and invoice details such as tariffs, discounts and taxes.
Refunds of past overcharges.
Adjustments of accounts to eliminate future overcharges and/or errors.
Recommendation for changes (at your opinion) to further reduce operating costs
Win/Win fee structure: no fee payable unless funds are received and/or future savings are achieved.

When it comes to telephone bills, there's no such thing as small talk. As telephone fees keep changing, the bills keep getting longer and more confusing. These days, figuring out your telephone bill is almost as hard as trying to complete your taxes. Wouldn't it be nice if you could hire an accountant to do it for you? Well now you can!

Telecommunication Auditing
Telecom costs rank as one of the highest expenses a company has. Many of these bills are overlooked and just paid each month, unknowingly costing the company thousands of dollars over time. In fact, each year, millions of dollars go unclaimed.

At Utility Refund Solutions Inc., we analyze bills, breakdown the detail codes and, in most cases, get a refund. We work directly with each carrier on your behalf. There is no effort on your part and no risk. You can only benefit from working with us.

Our analysis includes such areas as:
    • Centrex Fees    • Off-premise extensions    • Duplicate service billing    • Billing of non-requested services    • Taxes, surcharges, and discounts    • Local, long distance, and regional usage fees    • Toll-free service    • Unused data circuits and services
Along with your audit, we'll present you with an analysis of your current telecommunication needs. We'll show you the most cost-effective plan to meet your requirements. Going forward, we can show you how to save money with or without switching carriers.
Telecommunications Consulting

Telecommunications Consulting specializes in providing objective insights into specific aspects of telecommunication markets in order to give recommendations based upon those trends. ENERGY SAVERS provides reports to further advise our clients in market opportunities, updates in technology, etc. in accordance to how the market looks today. 
Telecommunications Consultants are people who by training, education, and/or experience are   more than competent in their field. At ENERGY SAVERS, you can feel confident that as a client you are receiving the most up-to-date recommendation we can offer. To us, you are not just a customer or client, you are a valuable asset to our company as well. As a client, your interests are our interests.
Energy Savers obtains refunds and credits from the following areas:.

Service order charges    • Installation charges    • Monthly access line charges    • Message unit charges     • Toll charges    • Local exchange carrier's discount packages    • Operator surcharges and rates    • 800 service charge    • Video telecommunication systems    • WATS charges    • Off-premise extensions    • Incorrectly charged local directory assistance charges    • Incorrectly charged state and federal taxes    • Usage charges    • Virtual network    • Long distance directory assistance charges    • Tariff elements that make up the monthly line charges    • Key systems    • Centrex    • PBX's    • ACD's    • Cellular services
Other Services Offered by Energy Savers Include:

Long Distance
Bundled Services
Toll Free
Calling Cards
Dial Around
Conference Calling
Voice Messaging
Paging Service
I-Net Technology

Utility Bills Audit by Energy Savers
Many of today's companies do not have the time or resources to audit their utility bills, leaving them vulnerable to errors and overcharges.  Hidden costs, charges for non-existing services, and complex billing codes could be increasing your
monthly utility bill every month.  ENERGY SAVERS, Inc. will perform a thorough review of all of your company’s
utility bills.  The majority of our work is performed off-site in our offices, minimizing your company time.

With our expertise in utility auditing and our own company developed software, we can audit utility bills for any company in any state.  Our audit procedure of your company invoices will

  • Invoice Accuracy
  • Incorrect meter readings
  • Faulty meters
  • Redundant billing charges
  • Evaluation of line charges
  • Usage charges
  • Surcharges, taxes & tariffs
  • Consumption review
  • Demand reading errors

The list above represents just a few of the most common types of utility billing errors.  Why not put our staff of experienced auditors to work for your company.  ENERGY SAVERS, Inc.  is devoted to providing our clients with superior cost reduction solutions and
services, all on a contingency fee basis.

Electric & Gas Utility Auditing
Using our proprietary software, our team of veteran professionals know the particulars of every major utility company throughout the country. Our audit will include a comprehensive review of all of your electric and gas bills. Just some of the many areas we verify are:
Invoice Accuracy Billing StructureRatesTariffs and SurchargesMeter ConstantsRedundant Billing ChargesEstimated Billings
The electric and gas industry has and continues to undergo changes.  Many states are
debating whether or not to open their energy markets to retail competition, similar to the
deregulation of the telecommunications industry.  Energy deregulation provides consumers
with a choice by allowing them to choose an alternate supplier.  With the ability to choose
your supplier, new opportunities arise.  By evaluating which supplier best meets your needs,                                   ENERGY SAVERS, can help your company to save significantly on its energy costs.  However, consumers
must be very careful in analyzing offers being made to them by the various retail suppliers,
marketers, or brokers.  In certain cases we have found consumers actually paying more
with an alternate supplier compared to what they would have paid had they remained with
their local distribution company.

Utility Refund Solutions, Inc. has devoted an entire team of auditors to this
expanding market so as to better assist our clients.  Our deregulation team is constantly in
the market reviewing the pricing options available by retail suppliers.  By reviewing supplier
pricing, tariffs, contract terms, and billing format, we are able to assist our clients in making
a decision so that actual savings will materialize, instead of just promises of lower costs.  
We accomplish this by understanding the energy commodities markets and by having
developed a working relationship with many suppliers, brokers, and marketers.

We work closely with our clients to understand their energy needs so that a proper supplier
is chosen that best meets their needs, but we are very considerate of client’s time and
involvement.  Before making our presentation to our clients we will have already requested
competitive bids, reviewed contract terms, analyzed tariffs, and performed a load profile
analysis.  We remain in contact with our clients and periodically request copies of supplier
invoices to make sure that proper pricing continues accordingly.

We Guarantee You'll Save Money!

Every one of our auditors are Certified Energy Managers (CEMs) and/or Professional Engineers (PEs).
(Try to find another company that can make that claim!)
We investigate and quantify energy savings potential in:
  • Lighting systems
  • HVAC Systems and Controls
  • Compressed Air Systems
  • Renewable Energy Applications
  • Electric Motors and Drives
  • Process Systems
  • Steam Systems
  • Heat Recovery
  • Building Envelope Upgrades
  • Switching Utility Providers or Utility Rates
  • and more!

How much money/energy can be saved by getting an energy audit?

When talking about possible energy savings in a facility from energy consulting, it’s impossible to make an accurate estimation without knowing many of the factors at play in the facility.  Factors such as facility size, equipment, equipment usage, personnel, lighting, current utility usage, and more can directly effect your energy savings.
With that said, we’ve seen savings upwards of 40% on some facilities, with the average savings being around 15-20%.  If the facility has already had energy audits in the past, it’s possible that the facility is already efficient, and in that case, there wouldn’t be much we could do in the way of energy savings.  If the facility has been in operation for many years without having had an energy audit, it’s very possible that we can save you lots of money.
Since it’s extremely difficult to assess how much you, individually, and your facility can save without knowing more about your company, we will gladly provide you with a free consultation.  By having this consultation, we can decide whether or not you need an energy audit at all, and if you do, what kind would best suit you and your facility.
For a free initial consultation on the energy performance of your organization, contact us at (818) 270-6319 or email us at

Water Conservation

Chances are you are paying more than you have to for your basic utilities. Do you have the expertise to keep up with all the regulatory changes in gas, electric and telecom tariffs? Have you followed the market as rates fluctuate on an almost daily basis? Are there multiple providers of waste removal, gas and electricity willing to compete for your business? It’s very possible that you qualify for a better rate with your current utility providers, but they haven’t advised you about all your options. You may even be owed a refund based on overcharges from the past.
Let ENERGY SAVERS put a team of experienced utility auditors to work for you. They will provide the most comprehensive and thorough utility audit available; and if you don’t save any money it costs you nothing.
Facts you should be aware of:
*      Over 75% of all non-negotiated telecom service contracts are over-priced
*      90% of all businesses audited benefit financially from a utility audit
*      35% of all telecom billing has errors in rates, circuits or charges
*      40% of all electricity customers could benefit from a lower pricing program
*      10% of all gas bills have miscalculated taxes
*      15% of all energy billing has errors in rates, or service charges
*      90% of all billing errors favor the utility and not the customer
Your audit will include:
*      A legal review of your current contracts, and when necessary a negotiation for refunds, credits and lower rates
*      An analysis of your consumption patterns for gas, electric, telecom and waste removal
*      A comparison of all rates and tariffs for which you qualify
*      An evaluation of leading suppliers in your area
*      A written report detailing the audit findings and the recommended course of action
Don’t get caught by the automatic renewal clauses in your current utility contracts, since this might lock you in to high utility rates for a year or more. Our fees are limited to a percentage of what we save you, and are spread out over time to insure that you are always cash flow positive.
We only work with utility auditors who are independent and do not get paid by any utility company. They each have decades of experience in the utility they specialize in. The entire team become advocates for our clients and will negotiate the best deals available. Unlike other utility auditors, we have no motivation to move you to a new supplier, unless you clearly get better pricing and service. Stop over-spending on utilities and move that money to your bottom line. 
Renewable Energy...Another Competitive Cost Advantage
Energy Savers is your expert in leveraging the power of renewable energy. With the high cost of electricity and gas, renewable energy technology may be the smart way you slash your energy budget. Plus there have been significant advances in renewable energy systems products and technologies. ENERGY SAVERS will review your energy demand profile and assess the feasibility of using renewable energy to meet a good portion of that demand.
Solar and geothermal systems for heating and cooling are simple to implement, and have a proven record of drastically reducing energy costs. Geothermal is the quiet revolution, but the word is spreading. Hundreds of companies across the Midwest have slashed their energy costs, and are excited to share their success stories.
We first look at how geoexchange can reduce your facility demand for heating and cooling. Then we assess the applicability of wind and solar. With a combination of these systems, it may be possible to reduce energy costs by 75%!! As an example, for a company with a $500,000 energy budget, that is $375,000 in savings! If that same company had a 20% gross margin, that savings translates into almost $2,000,000 in additional sales!
Geothermal heating and cooling (geoexchange) in commercial buildings can reduce energy costs by 25% to 40%. Our professional engineers have proven experience in designing geoexchange systems. Your geoexchange design will provide estimated benefits and costs of the ground loop, payback period and specifications. At the time of implementation, we will work hand in hand with the geothermal drillers and mechanical contractor to ensure your system will operate as planned. Other benefits of geoexchange include lower maintenance costs and a smaller in-building footprint.
Wind Energy
Chicago is the windy city. But in fact it doesn’t stop there. The upper Midwest has very good wind quality with selected areas rated excellent. Commercial and industrial facilities should take a serious look at reducing their electric budget through wind. For the right conditions, a firm can meet all its electricity needs most days of the year, and sell some back. Up front costs to install a wind turbine is $2 to $5 per kW.
They don’t all look like wind mills either. The new small wind technologies which have recently come to market make wind generated electricity a good option even in urban areas. The new vertical axis wind turbines which can be roof mounted and are attractive architecturally.
Energy Savers will conduct an initial site assessment and review your electrical demand to determine if wind energy is right for you. We will then conduct the site design, recommend various wind energy configurations, and manage the installation.
Solar Energy
Generating electricity from the sun is a well established technology. Surprisingly, many businesses who could benefit from solar have never taken a close look at it. But with electricity costs in Illinois rising over 20% in the next year, now would be an excellent time to have an evaluation done. Up front cost to install a solar system runs $10 to $12 per kW. The roof mounted units can be installed to make it unnoticeable. The new technology solar panels can even track the sun for greater efficiency.
Energy Savers will conduct a solar assessment of your facility and will make recommendations. We will then design the system, provide options for your consideration and then manage the installation and start up.
Buy Only the Power You Need
Many times solar and wind can be integrated into a single system. History shows that wind and solar are complimentary with a day being either high wind or bright sun. ENERGY SAVERS systems integrate both wind and solar into a single renewable resource. When your system can meet the demand your electricity costs are zero. On those days where the demand is high, or wind and solar are insufficient, you purchase only the amount needed to make up the difference. On a good day, your system may even sell power back to the grid.
While your competitors are struggling with skyrocketing energy costs, chart your course towards lean energy. Take advantage of this trend to create competitive advantage. Lowering operating costs mean more money for:
*      Marketing
*      Developing more products and services
*      Higher profitability
*      Business growth
*      Winning more business through competitive prices
Our trained engineers will explain this exciting new technology and will assess the applicability of geothermal to your next facility project.
ENERGY SAVERS services include a complete analysis of the following utility bills:
o       Electric 
o       Telecommunications 
o       Water 
o       Sewer 
o       Natural gas 
o       Propane 
o       Garbage 
Does Your Company Use Any Of These?
We begin by first reviewing your utility bills searching for improper rates, rate options, billing errors, metering errors, metering options, and overlooked tax benefits.
After a thorough investigation and on-site inspection of the facility and its metering equipment if warranted, we submit our findings to you for review and approval.
We then negotiate with the utility companies for applicable rate options and to recover any error refunds on a shared savings basis. We apply extra effort to ensure our clients qualify for the best possible rates.

Receive our FREE white paper, "3 Steps to Reduce Your Utility Bills by 20-30%."
With ever changing rules, laws and interpretations, the utility companies in your state are profiting from your inability to keep up. They're tucking in hidden surcharges, systematically moving companies into higher pricing categories and making fundamental billing errors that erode your bottom line.
When was the last time your performed a comprehensive self audit on your utility bills to see if you're overpaying or being deceived? If you haven't had your bills reviewed in the past three months you could be hemorrhaging $50,000 or more monthly.
Why? Three big reasons:
Reason #1…The utility companies are far from perfect. They make mistakes.

Recently, one of the largest utility companies in the US performed a rate analysis for a business customer. The utility showed a modest savings but asked the customer to sign a disclaimer.
Fortunately, the business customer called in Energy Savers to take a second look and offer assistance. Our audit produced a whopping $50,000 savings (and the call prevented the CFO from getting fired). Had the business agreed to sign the utility's disclaimer, they would have forfeited the $50,000 that Energy Savers found.
Reason #2…Utility rules and regulations are complex, confusing, and often contradictory.
Utilities profit in environments of chaos. As far as the utilities are concerned, the less someone is able to decipher the rules of the game, the better. For instance, you might be given an already confusing set of different rate schedules and classifications. Then, for every rate, you may have 5 to 10 different subrates, and then another 5 to 10 different subrates within those subrates, and on and on.
Before long, you find yourself lost in a legislative labyrinth of dead ends, trapdoors and legal jargon. And since you're so involved in the daily operations of your company, it's impossible to tell north from south.
That's why it's a smart move to bring in a trained outsider to look at your expenses with an objective, experienced pair of eyes. With thousands of audits under its belt and constant research on ways to lower your utility bills, Energy Savers makes sure you use these regulations and rules to your advantage.
Reason#3…As utility companies downsize they have fewer people on staff to help you resolve even simple billing issues.
You're left waiting on the phone for hours or sent to their web site to download forms and send emails to the appropriate people. Since you're saddled with the burden of proving you've been overcharged or put into the wrong rate category, you're forced to fill out reams of paperwork and documentation.
The utility company's already bare resolution department adds your complaints or query to the huge stack of other companies who feel they may be paying too much. You lose valuable time going back and forth trying to resolve the problem when you should be doing other things.
Energy Savers fights for you. If we find overcharges, unwarranted surcharges and potential billing errors, we'll do whatever it takes to secure your refunds and to make sure you're protected from future utility bill abuse.
Do you know what you questions you need to ask when auditing your records? Do you know how to skirt the deadly pitfalls that will cost you time and money when dealing with utility companies?
Receive our FREE white paper, "3 Steps to Reduce Your Utility Bills by 20-30%." Call us today at 1-818-270-6319, to request a complimentary analysis.

ENERGY SAVERS (ES) performs a wide range of professional services - all aimed at optimizing the energy savings and performance of existing facilities. We can operate nationwide.
Simply put, our goal is to create the best possible energy solution for any size Company and or project - whether single intra-building location or large multi-facility complex. And, to do so at the lowest cost to our client.

Audit Services focuses on the following services:
  1. Local Phone
  2. Long Distance
  3. Cellular
  4. Data
  5. Internet
  6. Gas
  7. Electric
  8. Water and Sewer
  9. Solid Waste and Recycling
  10. Energy Efficiency
  11. Renewable Energy

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