Sunday, July 17, 2011


– YJay Draiman dba Energy Savers

Expense Management Services

Telecom and datacom charges are a major expense for most organizations. But if you have the knowledge and know where to look for overcharges and inefficiencies, telecom is also the area where you can realize significant savings. Working with an experienced telecom consultant can make the process easier.

Why a telecom consultant is a good investment

Telecom bills are voluminous, specialized, and confusing. They are comprised of myriad coding details and pricing programs for a wide range of services including local, long distance, broadband, data, paging, cellular, and also includes maintenance services and various taxes and tariffs. An experienced specialist can help get results by accurately checking all invoices, finding billing errors worth pursuing and following up to get refunds from carriers.

Most Telecom Bills Contain Errors

Accepting telecom bills at face value can be an expensive decision for your organization. Recent industry surveys show that that telecom overcharging is rampant and that the amount of overcharges can be significant -- anywhere from 8-15%.   Since the average company spends 5-10% of its operating on telecom bills, the dollar amounts can be considerable. Even a small company with $200,000 in annual telecom expenses could be missing an opportunity to deliver an extra $20,000 to their bottom line each year!

Hire a Telecom Consultant

If your telecom bills contain overcharges, you are entitled to a refund. But your carrier is not going to help lower your bill, you will have to find the errors and present them yourself. That’s why you need an experienced consultant to lower your telecom bills.

Moving or Re-Organizing your Company?

If your company is moving or has recently undergone a merger or acquisition, or is managing multiple vendors and contracts for its telecommunication services, you are in a good position to realize significant cost savings.

Energy Savers Consulting Gets Results

Energy Savers Consulting has been reducing telecom and datacom bills for its clients since 1994.  Energy Savers gets results because we are specialists in managing telecom expenses and have many years of experience honing their skills. The average Energy Savers Consulting analyst has over 20 years of experience. Because our analysts are experienced and know what to look for, they can efficiently evaluate your invoices and find expensive errors. Energy Savers estimates that clients will generally save $2 dollars for every $1 spent on auditing and renegotiating services. However many clients have realized much higher ROIs, for example, one recent client spent $60,000 and saved over $2 million in telecom bills over a 3-year period!

Energy Savers Consulting Services offers a range of services to meet the needs of any organization, large or small. Services can range from project work such as telecom audit and bill review, contract negotiations, dispute resolution, and telecom service evaluation. However, Energy Savers also regularly performs ongoing services such as monthly bill paying and outsourcing key personnel to provide clients with specially trained telecom experts to help control their telecom costs.


If you think that your telecom bills are too high, call or email today for a free one-hour evaluation and analysis. You will speak to an experienced telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your telecom system, provide you with a high-level review and suggestions about how telecom outsourcing can mean immediate savings.

A Telecom Audit is important because it is the first step you can take to lower your monthly telecom and datacom bills. Once an audit is completed and the carrier notified of overcharges, savings can begin immediately. To learn how easy it is to begin reducing your telecom bills, call Energy Savers Consulting today. Energy Savers Consulting is a leading telecom consultancy and has been helping clients get more value from their telecom investment since 1994.

Do you need A Telecom Audit?

Are your telecom bills too high? The answer is probably yes. Some experts claim that there is an extremely high error rate in telecommunications billing. This means for every ten invoices you receive, there could be an error on 8 of them. Energy Savers Consulting has found that roughly 30% of those errors are significant enough to be worth fixing. Here are just a few things that can go wrong: Calls may not be billed at the proper rate, fees can be assessed for unnecessary services, and all of your lines may not be routed to your selected long distance carrier. We have found many organizations are paying for expensive services they didn't use; others discovered they were paying too much because they never negotiated or re-negotiated their contract. The worse part: many of these overcharges go on indefinitely, if they are not identified and corrected.

Because the stakes are so high, and the task of performing an audit so specialized, it makes good business sense to have an experienced telecom consultant like Energy Savers Consulting conduct your telecom audit.

Energy Savers Consulting Performs Comprehensive Telecom Audits

Energy Savers Consulting performs comprehensive audits in which the focus is on an average month's billing (the study month) for all telecommunications services. This includes local, long distance, 800 services (toll free), wireless, calling card, teleconference, and Internet access lines. It may also include data networks, frame relay, ATM, or Private Line services, and charges for telephone and equipment maintenance. Our experts, all with extensive billing and contract experience, examine your bills and provide recommendations for savings. Energy Savers Consulting also looks for past billing errors, particularly in the tax area, and works with the carriers to get you refunds and/or credits. Some Energy Savers Consulting clients prefer to have Energy Savers Consulting deal directly with the carrier to make sure that the billing errors are corrected and reflected accurately in ongoing bills. It is important to note that Energy Savers Consulting does not recommend changing carriers or reducing quality in order to reduce monthly bills. All savings will be realized for the same quality of service. The only difference is that you will pay less.

How Much Can a Telecom Audit Save You?

Energy Savers Consulting assures new clients that for every dollar they spend on telecom expense management, they will realize at least a two-dollar savings the first year. However, many clients have saved much more. A recent client invested $60,000 in telecom expense management across their company and saved over $2 million as a result. While it is difficult to predict savings, a simple example can illustrate the magnitude of the financial impact that an audit can provide. Telecom is one of the most significant expenses for every business. If a business spends $100,000 month on telecom expenses and their bills even have a 10% error rate, that organization is wasting $10,000 every month!

Do something about it today.

Telecom bills are voluminous, specialized, and confusing. They are comprised of myriad coding details and pricing programs for a wide range of services including local, long distance, broadband, data, paging, cellular, and also include maintenance services and various taxes and tariffs. Nobody but an experienced specialist can hope to be able to accurately check all invoices, recognize billing errors worth pursuing and follow up to get fast reductions.

Energy Savers Consulting Can Help

Since 1994, Energy Savers Consulting has been turning telecom and datacom bills from an uncontrolled expense nightmare into significant savings. Energy Savers Consulting is able to get the best results because of our expertise and experience managing telecom bills for large and mid sized companies.

Energy Savers Consulting Will Save You Money

Accepting telecom bills at face value can be an expensive decision for your organization. Recent industry surveys show that that telecom overcharging is rampant and that the amount of overcharges can be significant -- anywhere from 5-10%. Since the average company spends 1% of its annual sales on telecom bills, the dollar amounts can be considerable. Even a small company with $200,000 in annual telecom expenses could add $20,000 to their bottom line each year simply by eliminating erroneous charges and making sure their system was efficient.

Energy Savers Consulting gets results because they are specialists in managing telecom expenses and have many years of experience honing their skills. The average Energy Savers Consulting analyst has over 20 years of telecom experience. Because our analysts are experienced and know what to look for, they can efficiently evaluate your invoices and find expensive errors. Energy Savers normally estimates that clients will save $2 dollars for every $1 spent on audit and negotiating services, however many clients have realized much higher ROI’s. For example, one recent client spent $60,000 and saved over $2 million over the next three years in telecom expenses.


If you think that your telecom bills are too high, call or email today for a free one-hour analysis and evaluation. You will speak to an experienced telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your telecom and datacom systems and provide you with a high level review.

There are many skills and much technical knowledge needed to negotiate a good contract:
The wording of your contract is extremely important. Energy Savers Consulting knows the exact language to make sure that you get full value.
Service Level Agreements are the key to protecting your interests. Our long experience assures that any SLA we negotiate has real teeth with stiff penalties for non-performance.
Because Energy Savers Consulting negotiates telecom contracts daily (rather than one every one, two, or three years) We know the benchmark pricing, which is a tremendous advantage to you when it comes to negotiating price. We also know how to take advantage of every possible corporate discount for you.
Energy Savers Consulting is part of the Consultant Liaison Program so we are aware of all costs associated with providing you service. This knowledge is a tremendous advantage to you when it comes to determining the price you pay. Energy Savers Consulting will negotiate hard to keep carrier margins thin, thus saving you money, without reducing the level of service.
Why should you hire Energy Savers Consulting to negotiate your telecom contract instead of doing it yourself?
The best answer is that we will always get you a better deal because this is our special expertise. Since we started in business over a decade ago we have NEVER had a client complain about the cost of having us negotiate their contract. That’s because our clients always come out ahead. They pay our fee but they always save significantly more.
Bottom Line: Unless your full time job is negotiating contracts you can’t do as well for yourself as we can do for you.
Let Energy Savers Consulting Negotiate Your Telecom Contract
If you would like to learn how much you could save on your next telecom contract, call today to speak to a member of Energy Savers Consulting Carrier/Vendor Services Group.
Call now for more information
If you have multiple Telecom contracts or are in the process of negotiation right now, or if you just would like to know if you are getting the best deal, call or email today for a free evaluation and analysis. You will speak to an experience telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your contracts and provide you with a high-level review.
Huge Cash Windfalls Available from Federal Excise Tax Refunds.

Call today to learn if your company qualifies.

Savvy telecom customers can reap huge cash windfalls – if they are eligible and if they act while the window of opportunity is still open.

The source of the potential rebate is the 3% Federal Excise Tax (FET) which is assessed on telecom toll charges. But this tax applies ONLY to calls whose prices vary by time and distance. Today however, hardly any interstate calls at all fall into this category. As a result the door is open for companies that qualify to file claims for overpayment and apply for refunds.

Of course, this can be frustrating to do on your own, but that's where Energy Savers Consulting can help. Because of our experience and expertise, we are able to quickly determine if you are eligible for a refund and, if so, we will act on your behalf to make the most effective application for refunds.

If you think that your company can qualify for an FET refund, you should call us immediately. We can determine if you’re eligible and if you are, we can immediately begin filing for recovery.  Don't delay. There is a three-year statute of limitations so it is imperative that you act quickly to file your claim.

Call us today toll-free 818-270-6319 and ask to speak to a Federal Excise Tax specialist.

Biggest Projects Ever for Energy Savers Consulting

2005 is already a banner year for Energy Savers Consulting. In addition to helping the state of Maryland and the Federal Veterans Affairs reduce their telecom expenses. Energy Savers Consulting continues to significantly reduce costs of cellular as well as voice and data (wireline and wireless) services for our current and new clients.

Operational Services

Energy Savers Consulting is the Help Desk Leader

Energy Savers Consulting maintains one of the consulting industry's best resources for voice and data support services. We are your single point of contact for technical solutions to almost any communication issue. Energy Savers is your advocate when it comes to sorting out problems with multiple carriers. We maintain high-profile relations with repair departments and customer service units at all the major companies. Our troubleshooters work with your vendors to pinpoint the difficulty and get your business running again, fast.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of help desk services

We can act as your remote help desk, train your help desk personnel or provide you with trained people to staff your help desk.

If your company is undertaking a large technical project, our Help Desk Team can do your pre-planning. When you are ready, we will be standing by to coordinate with all service providers assuring a smooth transition and providing the protection you need against unexpected events.

For more Help Desk Information

If you need help enhancing your Help Desk capabilities, call Energy Savers Consulting today. You will speak to an experienced help desk specialist who will ask you questions about your system, and provide you with a high-level review and suggestions about how to make your help desk more effective.

ACT NOW TO avoid the nightmare!

Without proper planning and administrative controls, corporate wireless can become a "black hole" of soaring expenses and security leaks. That's why it is important to choose an experienced telecom consultant to successfully integrate wireless services into your organization and provide you with a plan to manage corporate wireless needs in the future.

We Can Negotiate a Better Wireless Contract for you

If you are looking for a new Corporate Wireless provider, you should call us first. Energy Savers Consulting has the expertise and experience to make the best deal for you with your carrier or provider. That's our strength. Managing a corporate wireless capability means making a lot of important decisions. What features do you need today? What special wireless needs does your organization have? How do you know which vendors will do the best job?

Most importantly, what can be done if you already have significant wireless resources which are disorganized and out of control? Because wireless is such a new and fast moving technology, it is important you hire a consultant who is experienced, knowledgeable and totally impartial.

Energy Savers Consulting is a full-service telecom consulting firm with special expertise in all sectors of your business where wireless can be an important component:
  • Wireless data communications (microwave/satellite)
  • Remote access wireless for voice (cell phones)
  • Office LAN
Many of the problems of corporate wireless systems fall into the categories of payment plans, inventory management, and wireless administrative policies. Specifically, many users have not negotiated good contracts with vendors, they have trouble keeping track of and accounting for charges, and many organizations have no effective way of controlling non- business use of wireless services. This is particularly important with mobile phone billing which is the area of telecom billing that can most benefit from monitoring and optimization. Drastic billing advantages that can be gained by adjusting pay plans to usage changes.

Energy Savers Consulting has the proven procedures to answer these problems and others. Energy Savers Consulting will evaluate corporate wireless needs, design, and specify a compatible wireless network, create an RFP, evaluate proposals, negotiate contracts, and supervise the installation and management of the new wireless system.

Free Corporate Wireless Analysis

If you have multiple wireless contracts, multiple rates, multiple providers or would just like to know if you're getting the best deal from your carrier, call or email today for a free consultation. You will speak to an experienced telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your wireless agreements, and provide you with a high-level review.

Your telecom contract is the starting point for savings
If you want to control and manage your telecom costs, you should begin by negotiating a contract that provides you with all the services you need at the best possible price. The best way to negotiate a good contract is to have an expert negotiate for you.

When you sit across the negotiating table from a telecom carrier, you are at a distinct disadvantage unless an experienced telecom negotiation expert represents you. The need for representation with vendors is greater today than ever before because of the wide range of services, pricing plans, regulations and tariffs. For example, today many companies are finding the cost of wireless services is spiraling out of control.  This is certainly an item that should be negotiated in your latest contract.

Energy Savers Consulting is the complete telecom negotiation specialist

Energy Savers Consulting aggressively seeks out the most cost-effective rate plans. We have been doing it since 1994 and we are expert negotiators. Our staff keeps up to date on all major carriers' rates as well as federal and state regulations and tariffs. Being this well informed is difficult for anyone who is not a specialist, but it is essential for negotiation success because the basic rate structures for all carriers have become more voluminous and complex. But Energy Savers Consulting does much more than just negotiating a lower price.

Energy Savers Consulting uses our vast technical and industry knowledge to negotiate not only price, but also service level agreements and ongoing maintenance agreements. Telecom services have changed rapidly and encompass a wide range of services: local, long distance, data and Internet, VoIP and wireless. Because of our industry and technological expertise, Energy Savers Consulting is able to look at the big picture to quantify all service issues, eliminate waste and unneeded redundancies, and determine the precise service and maintenance package that will do the best possible job at the lowest price.

Let Energy Savers Consulting Negotiate Your Telecom Contract

If you would like to learn how much you could save on your next telecom contract, call today to speak to a member of Energy Savers Consulting Carrier/Vendor Services Group.

Call Now for a Free Telecom Analysis

If you have multiple Telecom contracts or are in the process of negotiation right now, or if you just would like to know if you are getting the best deal, call or email today for a free evaluation and analysis. You will speak to an experience telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your contracts and provide you with a high-level review and suggestions for immediate savings.
If you want to have a productive telecom system, you first need to analyze your needs and then determine the most efficient and effective way to meet those needs.

Energy Savers Consulting can help you determine your telecom needs.

Energy Savers Consulting assists your management team in the development and implementation of cost control plans based on your present and future network needs.  Primarily interacting with those in the organization charged with finance and information technology, Energy Savers Consulting goes to work to find cost savings through systems optimization and carrier contract negotiation. Our consultants look at the granular effects that one adjustment has on the next and across the enterprise. We assure the administrator that interdependent systems are responsive, work efficiently and effectively.

The benefits of Energy Savers Consulting Operations Management services include giving your organization control of these vital services:
  • Voice Network
  • Data Network
  • Call Center Design and Implementation
  • Procurement, Develop RFPs, Analyze Responses, Advice & Counsel
  • Policies, Procedures and Standards
Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you reduce telecom expenses.

Our practices provide a consistent approach that can be replicated for multiple projects ensuring that future projects will have the same "best in class" performance.

Operational Methods and Procedures
If you want to have a productive telecom system, you first need to assure that the methods and procedures that you are operating under are efficient and effective.

Energy Savers Consulting can help you streamline your methods and procedures

Energy Savers Consulting assists your management team in the development and implementation of cost control plans based on your present and future network needs.  Primarily interacting with those in the organization charged with finance and information technology, Energy Savers Consulting goes to work to find cost savings through systems optimization and carrier contract negotiation. Our consultants look at the granular effects that one adjustment has on the next and across the enterprise. We assure the administrator that interdependent systems are responsive, work efficiently and effectively.

The benefits of Energy Savers Consulting Operations Management services include giving your organization control of these vital services:
  • Voice Network
  • Data Network
  • Call Center Design and Implementation
  • Procurement, Develop RFPs, Analyze Responses, Advise & Counsel
  • Policies, Procedures and Standards
Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses

Our practices provide a consistent approach that can be replicated for multiple projects ensuring that future projects will have the same "best in class" performance.

When you sit down to negotiate a telecom contract, you are at a distinct disadvantage unless you are represented by a knowledgeable aggressive telecom consultant.

Energy Savers Consulting can help develop more favorable contracts and SLAs.

Energy Savers Consulting Carrier/Vendor Services group aggressively seeks out the most cost-effective rate plans for our clients. Our staff maintains up-to-date intelligence on rate plans of all major carriers plus federal and state regulations and tariffs. Because the basic rate structures have become so complicated, the service we provide to our clients includes a regular review throughout the life of the relationship.

Client service and maintenance is a key part of your vendor contracts. Unfortunately, many telecom customers do not know that these features can change drastically, often at the whim of the service provider. Energy Savers Consulting specializes in enforcing service level agreements to make sure that you get the level of service you are paying for.

Our clients greatly appreciate the help we provide in quantifying service issues, making sure value added services are delivered and articulating and demanding the full package of services defined in agreements.

Energy Savers Consulting will assess your current carrier contracts and implement a comprehensive provider agreement to take advantage of the most competitive rates while also addressing your service level requirements. We can even develop and manage contracts from multiple carriers to make sure you save money.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses.

For those organizations that do not have a full-time Telecommunications Manager or have a pressing need to “fill in” for the short term, Energy Savers Consulting provides experienced telecom professionals to assume these duties. Our staff is knowledgeable and is always current on the state of the art of all telecom, datacom and wireless communications. 

Energy Savers Consulting can manage your projects more productively

When additional resources are required for capital projects for on-site planning and management support, Energy Savers Consulting will satisfy all professional requirements to make sure the job gets done right, on-time, on-schedule and on-budget.

Energy Savers Consulting can also help by providing you with help desk and support staff and by training your telecom people.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a range of services that are generally outside of the expertise and experience of many telecom managers.

Energy Savers Consulting adds team support for projects where the telecom manager may have the expertise and experience but does not have the bandwidth to manage extremely large projects.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses

Planning & Design Services

If you want an efficient, productive telecom system, ideally you should begin in the design phase. The specialists who design your system must understand your needs and understand the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet them.

Energy Savers Consulting can design your telecom system

The information network is an ever-evolving system designed to serve the information storage and delivery needs of the organization. Energy Savers Consulting specializes in communication network design, expansion and relocation.

The evolving convergence of voice and data communications will facilitate a host of useful and cost-effective applications. Considerations for network design or major expansion must be made with a full understanding that voice and data communications are dynamic and will change dramatically from what we know today.

Energy Savers Consulting will assist you in understanding these advances and recommending the proper approach, planning, equipment and backbone structures to support this evolution. This process will minimize the risk of system obsolescence and optimize your investment in network services, system upgrades and move/add/change (MAC) activities.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses

If you want an efficient, productive telecom system, ideally you should begin in the design phase. The specialists who design your system must understand your needs and understand the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet them. Most corporate information systems were not designed to perform all the tasks for which they are responsible today. Growth, acquisition or relocation plus the inherent problems of speed and reliability have forced many organizations to re-examine their networks.

Energy Savers Consulting can optimize your network

The information network is an ever-evolving system designed to serve the information storage and delivery needs of the organization. Energy Savers Consulting specializes in communication network design, expansion and relocation.

A regular network performance evaluation, including an annual review of the information system’s strategic plans, can ensure that your system will meet the future business needs of your organization.

Energy Savers Consulting creates the evaluation criteria, assesses growth history and future plans. We then conduct a “live” usage review to ascertain how the entity retrieves and uses information. Audits conducted by our consultants have saved significant labor costs and resulted in the institution of new methods that optimize the network. In some cases Energy Savers Consulting helped eliminate the need for system replacement, which can easily mean the difference between a quarterly profit or loss for many organizations.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses


VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a technology that enables you to use your Internet connection to carry your phone service. VoIP technology is new and important because it holds the promise of significant savings and greater efficiency.

The ability to send phone calls over data networks was once looked upon as a futuristic dream, but it is fast becoming the hottest telecom technology. Transporting voice services over an existing data network can reduce costs significantly and streamline operations by enabling one infrastructure to handle voice, data, and integrated services. The emergence of VoIP means that the slow expensive circuit switching methods of the past will give way forever to a future of fast, efficient packet switching networks equally capable of handling voice or data.

Hard questions about VoIP

VoIP is an exciting development. But is VoIP the right choice for you now? Is VoIP voice quality good enough? Is VoIP service reliable? If you switch to VoIP, how much can you really expect to save? What are the most serious potential problems with VoIP? To get the answers to these and other important questions, you should get the opinion of a qualified VoIP consultant.

Potential Problems with VoIP?

While the future benefits of VoIP are inevitable, there are still reasons to exercise caution before migrating to VoIP telephony.

Voice quality, while improving, is still not up to the standards of voice telephony. And there's another and more important reason to move with caution: data network failures are more common than voice network failures and can take longer to fix. It is one thing to lose your email for a few hours, but it can be a disaster to lose phone service for that long.

How a VoIP Consultant Can Help

The questions about if, when and how to introduce VoIP to your organization are very specific. The answers depend on your current network and your plans for the future. An experienced consultant will analyze your current resources, evaluate your choices and make specific recommendations. Another reason why a consultant is so important is because there are so many VoIP vendors offering solutions. To make the best decision you should have the opinion of an unbiased expert who is representing your best interest.


Energy Savers Consulting has been helping clients save money and get more value from their telecom and datacom networks since 1994.  They are experts at the new VoIP technology. If you want the opinion of an experienced phone system specialist about your plans to add VoIP to your system, call or email today for a free consultation. You will speak to an experienced telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your telecom system and provide you with a high-level review.


Installing a new phone system calls for important business decisions. Because there are so many choices, you need to make sure that the system you are planning will meet all your needs today and in the future--and that you can get all the capability you need at a price you can afford. The best way to achieve these objectives is to hire an experienced telecom consultant to help you make the best decisions.

Energy Savers Consulting has Helped Hundreds of Companies Install Business Phone Systems

Energy Savers Consulting has been helping organizations design, purchase, install and manage telecom systems since 1994. As a result of Energy Savers Consulting's services clients saved money on their new and expanded telecom systems. But there are other benefits as well. Energy Savers Consulting clients have obtained the peace of mind of knowing that they have chosen the best equipment to meet their needs for local and long distance service, data and wireless, call center and VoIP now and into the future.

 Why It Pays to Use a Consultant

 Purchasing and installing a phone system means making a lot of important decisions. What features do you need today? What special telecom needs does your organization have? Can you simply expand your old system or should you replace old technology from the ground up. How and why do wireless services or VoIP fit in? How do you know which vendors will do the best job? Because telecom is so important and has so many levels of technology and detail, most organizations don't have the in-house talent to manage the design and installation of a new phone system. And because of the large number of equipment choices and technical methodologies, it is unrealistic to look to vendors for impartial advice. It is important that when you need to install a new telecom system that you hire a consultant who is totally impartial, who does not represent any vendor or manufacturer, and who works only for you.

Energy Savers Consulting Has the Expertise You Need

Energy Savers Consulting has been helping its clients plan and install new telecom systems for the last decade. The reason for this track record of success is talent and experience. The average consultant has over 20 years of industry experience, much of it with major telecom players including carriers. As a result, Energy Savers Consulting knows what features are available and they have the experience to analyze your organization to measure your needs today and in the future.

Energy Savers Consulting Provides Complete Comprehensive Services

To make sure that you end up with the most productive telecom system at the best price, Energy Savers Consulting will provide a comprehensive range of services:
  • Evaluate your needs
  • Interview your key people
  • Inventory your existing system
  • Determine opportunities for savings and/or upgrades
  • Produce a detailed RFP for vendors
  • Review vendor proposals
  • Produce a report with recommendations
  • Present the report to management
  • Negotiate vendor contract(s)
  • Supervise installation.
 A Consultant MUST be Impartial

To provide value to clients, a consultant MUST be totally impartial and cannot represent or earn sales commissions from the sale of any particular product or vendor. Energy Savers Consulting has a policy of representing its clients 100%. Energy Savers Consulting believes that having this policy is the only way to assure that every client will get to choose from the full range of product offerings and arrive at a telecom system that is best for their particular budget and business needs.


If you want to receive feedback from an experienced phone system specialists about your plans for a new or expanded telecom system or if you plan to move your system, call or email today for a free consultation. You will speak to an experienced telecom specialist who will ask you questions about your telecom systems and provide you with a high-level review so you will be able to decide with confidence on the best system for your needs.

A thorough telecommunications service assessment of the systems and services in use throughout an organization will provide a complete evaluation of the structure, reliability, vulnerability and effectiveness of the system.

Most corporate information systems were not designed to perform all the tasks for which they are responsible today. Growth, acquisition or relocation plus the inherent problems of speed and reliability have forced many organizations to re-examine their networks.

Energy Savers Consulting can assess and optimize your network

The information network is an ever-evolving system designed to serve the information storage and delivery needs of the organization. Energy Savers Consulting specializes in communication network design, expansion and relocation.

A regular network performance evaluation, including an annual review of the information system’s strategic plans, is important to assure that system functionality will meet the future business needs of the organization.

Many businesses have a patchwork of systems and carrier provided services that have evolved over the years through company growth, carrier insolvency, business acquisition or disparities in regional carrier systems. At a summary level the Energy Savers Consulting Telecom Services Assessment seeks to identify and review all telecom invoices from all carriers. The assessment inventories all equipment in all locations and reviews contractual liabilities, opportunities or vulnerabilities with appropriate users and managers.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses

If you want an efficient, productive telecom system, ideally you need to evaluate your needs and develop the best strategies to meet those needs using the most efficient and enabling technology.

Energy Savers Consulting will help develop a comprehensive strategy

The specialists who design your system must understand your needs and understand the most efficient and cost-effective way to meet them. Most corporate information systems were not designed to perform all the tasks for which they are responsible today. Growth, acquisition or relocation plus the inherent problems of speed and reliability have forced many organizations to re-examine their networks.

The information network is an ever-evolving system designed to serve the information storage and delivery needs of the organization. Energy Savers Consulting specializes in communication network design, expansion and relocation.

Energy Savers Consulting will take action to implement and assess 

A regular network performance evaluation, including an annual review of the information system’s strategic plans, is important to assure that system functionality will meet the future business needs of the organization.

Energy Savers Consulting creates the evaluation criteria, assesses growth history and future plans. We then conduct a “live” usage review to ascertain how the entity retrieves and uses information. Audits conducted by our consultants have saved significant labor costs and resulted in the institution of new methods that optimize the network. In some cases Energy Savers Consulting helped eliminate the need for system replacement, which can easily mean the difference between a quarterly profit or loss for many organizations.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses

Multiple Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is the new technology that nobody can ignore. Over a decade ago, frame relay technology was developed to create a cheaper alternative to leased line. Frame technology has been hugely successful, but it is a connection-oriented technology developed from the telephone side of the industry. On the other hand MPLS is a “connection-less” or IP technology developed on the Internet side of the industry. MPLS is a faster, new technology that offers many benefits both in terms of functionality and pricing.  But is it right for you?


MPLS can provide, faster communication speeds, improved scalability, increased resiliency and recovery, more flexibility, greater integration with IP resources and lower pricing than traditional frame relay offerings. While it is true that MPLS is a strategic product offering from the carriers, it is an important development and can be a strategic choice for your organization as well.

 Is MPLS in your network design plans? Should MPLS integrate, augment, or replace your existing Frame Relay, ATM or Private Line network? And if so, to what degree? If you don’t learn about the benefits of MPLS now, can it make you less competitive in the long run?


Energy Savers Consulting has been helping clients evaluate and install new technologies since 1994.  Energy Savers Consulting gets results because we independently evaluate new technology, regardless of vendor, based upon its capability—not its marketing or advertising hype. Call us today for free telephone evaluation of the ways in which MPLS can be a competitive tool for you and to learn the most effective ways to integrate MPLS into your network.


Determining if MPLS makes sense for you requires an analysis of your current network and your future needs. Why not call and speak to one of our MPLS experts? There is no cost or obligation.

Risk Management Services

Enterprise recovery planning identifies potential business risks, minimizes potential for occurrence and develops actions to respond and recover from a business interruption.

Energy Savers Consulting Specializes in Keeping Your Business up and running

A "Business Continuity" plan protects businesses and their employees from unplanned events that can adversely affect their firm. Energy Savers Consulting takes the program one step further with an optional maintenance program that provides timely plan re-evaluation and program updates.

The Energy Savers Consulting business continuity team can benefit your organization by assessing your current level of preparedness for an unplanned event by:
  • Identifying risks and vulnerabilities to client’s business operations, and the potential impact of those issues
  • Reviewing systems, policies, staffing and recovery plans
  • Defining prevention, response, and recovery strategies for dealing with disaster scenarios
  • Developing preventive measures to minimize potential for disasters
  • Developing mitigation strategies to minimize the severity of an event to the firm
  • Developing and implementing recovery plans that provide detailed procedures to deal with emergency situations
  • Developing and implementing crisis management procedures for responding to emergency situations
  • Preparing and conducting awareness and training programs as part of plan rollout activities
  • Conducting recovery plan exercises serves as basis to document and create maintenance and update paths for the plan.
The cold reality of Internet security is, "there is no such thing as complete protection." The growth of  e-business combined with the work of cyber hackers, losses resulting from virus infections and defaced websites illustrate the vulnerabilities of even the best-protected portals.

Energy Savers Consulting Can Help Protect Your Network

Amplified by the media and reinforced through our own experiences, businesses are beginning to understand the financial and competitive impacts from inadequate system safeguards.

Energy Savers Consulting network security consultants provide a wide-range of services to assure senior management of the most up-to-date systems and methods to protect vital information, and shelter the interest of their customers and shareholders.

A successful Information Security Policy communicates to an organization that information is a valuable corporate asset and that everyone is responsible and accountable for protecting it. The security policy is a visible representation of security considerations, requirements, priorities, assumptions and responsibilities.

Energy Savers Consulting can help reduce fraud in your network

Energy Savers Consulting can create a customized information security policy for your organization that includes the following:
  • A cost benefit analysis of security measures to manage risk and protect corporate assets
  • Assurance against policy inconsistencies while defining appropriate behavior for users and administrators and clarify organizational objectives
  • Create preparedness for dealing with incidents and the implementation of countermeasures if required.
  • Limit liability resulting from unauthorized and potentially unlawful disclosure of information.
Because of its expertise and experience, Energy Savers Consulting is called upon by clients to provide expert witness testimony in arbitrations and before courts of law. Expert witness testimony is important because the telecom industry is so specialized that it often requires an industry expert to shed light on a dispute.

Energy Savers Consulting can testify for you

Energy Savers Consulting is a telecom expert. We know the billing process and understand the invoicing methods used by every carrier. We also have experience working with all major local, long distance and cellular companies. If you have been overcharged, or charged unfairly we will show you how and how much. If you have a contract dispute with a carrier, we will appear for you to explain the merits of your case.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you cut telecom expenses

Deregulation of the telecom industry has brought explosive growth and innovation but it has also brought incompatibilities, competition and frustration.  If your telecom network is made of components from diverse manufacturers, a skilled consultant may be the best way for you to achieve the seamless integration and communication you are seeking.

Energy Savers Consulting Has the Answer for Network Diversity

Many networks were never intended to handle the many additional functions they are now expected to handle. For example in addition to sophisticated telephony services with attractive pricing, many enterprises now demand other services such as voice mail, Internet access, multi-media, unifed messaging, automatiic call distribution, interactive voice response, computer telephony integration, email, wireless access, and VoIP.

The job of analyzing and assessing all the parts of a diverse network and determining how best to fashion a productive efficient network is not trivial. It is a task that requires technical knowledge and a complete knowledge of the full range of available products. It is a daunting task, but if your organization wants to retain its competitive edge you need to fine tune your network and add new and innovative services cheaply and quickly. Because of the growing importance of the Internet, you also need to develop high-bandwidth backbone infrastructures and manage the growth in mobile and Internet traffic while reducing operational and management costs.

Energy Savers Consulting is a leader in Network Diversity Consulting

We have over a decade of experience helping our clients fine-tune and expand their diverse networks to make them more productive and cost-effective.

When you sit down to negotiate a telecom contract, you are at a distinct disadvantage unless you are represented by a knowledgeable aggressive telecom consultant. 

Energy Savers Consulting can help develop more favorable contracts and SLAs

Energy Savers Consulting Carrier/Vendor Services group aggressively seeks out the most cost-effective rate plans for our clients. Our staff is skills in maintaining current intelligence on rate plans of all major carriers plus federal and state regulations and tariffs. Because the basic rate structures have become so complicated, this service includes a regular review throughout the life of the relationship.

Client service and maintenance is a key part of your vendor contracts. Unfortunately, many telecom customers do not realize that these features can change drastically, often at the whim of the service provider. Energy Savers Consulting specializes in enforcing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to make sure that you get the level of service you are paying for.

Our clients greatly appreciate the help we provide in quantifying service issues, making sure value added services are delivered and articulating and demanding the full package of services defined in agreements. 

Energy Savers Consulting will assess your current carrier contracts and implement a comprehensive provider agreement to take advantage of the most competitive rates while also addressing your service level requirements. We can even develop and manage contracts from multiple carriers to make sure you save money.

Energy Savers Consulting provides a complete range of services to help you reduce telecom expenses

Contact: Jay Draiman – dba Energy Savers

Jay Draiman Energy Development Specialist provides expertise in all sectors of the energy/utility industry.
Over 20 years experience. Specializing in: Energy Audit, Demand Management, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Lighting Retrofit, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Fuel-Cell, Thermal imaging, Rainwater harvesting, Energy conservation, telecom audit and services, energy seminars.
Much is at stake when policy makers, regulators, and corporate executives face the challenges of evolving energy markets and efficiency.

YJay Draiman
Energy Consultant
Energy Savers
9420 Reseda Blvd.
Northridge, CA 91324

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