Monday, July 11, 2011

Utility Cost Management

Utilizing the experience and “inside information” of our auditing specialists, we evaluate invoices, track cost trends, benchmark rates and negotiate directly with vendors to generate refunds, obtain credits and justify company discounts. As rate and tariff experts, we will also examine your current situation, research cost saving opportunities and submit recommendations geared to impact your bottom line and generate future savings for years to come.
Our experienced negotiators will interface with your suppliers, regardless of where you purchase. As you expand, free advice is offered for new locations prior to the inception of service. This assures continuous cost control.
An ongoing review of current as well as future purchases insures against ever overpaying for utility requirements. Thousands of clients have enjoyed millions of dollars in cost savings. Regardless of high energy prices, you may still be able to pay less than current charges.
A competitive market is not the only place to save. Even in regulated markets, suppliers offer a variety of rates, schedules, riders, adjustments and other billing factors, all of which need expert review or you may be paying substantially more than necessary for the same service.
Today’s utility invoices are more complex and harder to understand. Rather than paying blindly, let an expert mine your company data for opportunity in the form of refunds, credits and ongoing price reductions. With a contingency- based fee, you only pay when you save money. There is no fee for the review. Every dollar saved goes right to the bottom line.
Our analysis is fully detailed and totally independent, as we have no ties to any particular supplier. This means impartial recommendations taking full advantage of all cost options, regardless of where you purchase. As prices change, our continuous analysis will identify more savings dollars.
Services are offered in all 50 states, Canada, South and Central America as well as in Europe, Asia and Australia. Representing over 200 years of collective experience, you will enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that utility costs are properly managed, so that each monthly purchase will be at the lowest unit price.

Start realizing your savings today! Contact us for your FREE consultation and analysis!  818-366-6999 – YJay Draiman, Utility auditor

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